Thursday, March 12, 2009

Persistence and consistently good decisions

A really nice article was posted today at Mark's Daily Apple entitled You're not going to change overnight. This article hit home with me because it squares so well with my situation a couple of years ago. I lost 35 lbs of fat in 5 months or so. How did I do this? Some magical diet? Some new exercise gizmo? No, and no. I did it by eating right (low carb, high fat and moderate protein), eating moderate portions (somewhere around 2000 calories daily), and weight lifting 4 days/week. And I did this consistently for 5 months. No slip-ups, just dedication to the cause.

Yes, I eat more than that now. A lot more. But I still lift 3-4 days/week (depending on my current program) and exercise another 1-3 days/week. I never looked for a short-cut when I was trying to lose fat. I knew it was going to be a long, hard process. I had taken years to put on the weight, why would I think that taking it off would be a quick affair? Every day I woke up and tried to make it through that day by making good decisions. I didn't worry about the previous day or the next day. I just focused on decisions I would make that day, and tried to focus on making that day the most effective it could be.

It wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard either. It just took a bit of persistence and consistently good decisions. And it paid off in the end.

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