Friday, April 3, 2009

Benefits of a deep tissue massage

I got a massage yesterday for the first time in almost a year. Oh, did it hurt. But in a good way. I have another one scheduled for next week.

I am extremely tight all over. I have mobility issues in my ankles, hips, shoulders, neck, and wrists. (Yeah, that's all.) In a 2 hour session, my massage therapist only addressed my shoulders, upper chest, and neck. By the time she left I could almost look directly to the right or left without turning my whole body. Yes, I know most people can do that, but I'm not most people. I could also almost lift my arms directly over my head. (Yes, I know...) I'm hoping that by the time she has broken me down in a month or two that I'll be able to do a squat and hold a loaded barbell over my head. I can't do that now because my hips and shoulders pitch the weight too far forward for me to hold the weight. We'll see.

I used to make fun of people who got this type of massage. It's no walk in the park, let me tell you. I usually have a pretty bad headache by the time she leaves and generally feel crappy all over (like I did last night). So I went to bed at 8:30 and slept until my usual 5am wake-up (yes, that is 8.5 hours of sleep!) and woke up feeling like a million bucks. My goal is to be more diligent with the foam rolling and stretching after I lift this next month. We'll see if we can get my body moving with a bit more freedom.

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